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- morocconomadtravel@gmail.com

Marrakech è una base fantastica per esplorare i paesaggi e le culture diverse del Marocco. Ecco alcune delle migliori gite di un giorno che puoi fare dalla città:
La costa atlantica del Marocco è splendida e, una volta che la visiti, vorrai tornare. Essaouira, una città rilassata situata a 3 ore da Marrakech, è un Patrimonio dell’Umanità dell’UNESCO – una città protetta. Le mura di Essaouira e la città murata del XVI secolo offrono viste straordinarie sull’Oceano Atlantico. Una gita di un giorno a Essaouira – una delle medine più affascinanti di tutto il Marocco – ti darà ampio tempo per visitare i monumenti importanti, i vecchi mercati del pesce e il porto. Avrai anche l’opportunità di vedere all’opera artigiani dell’argento e intagliatori del legno.
Ritiro alle 9 del mattino da Marrakech e viaggio verso le Montagne dell’Alto Atlante. Asni e i villaggi berberi circostanti sono luoghi deliziosi per fuggire dal caldo e dall’attrazione esotica di Marrakech verso questa fredda e aspra casa berbera. Un insieme di villaggi attorno alla valle fluviale di Moulay Ibrahim, situata in un contesto drammatico delle Montagne dell’Alto Atlante, con splendide vedute della montagna più alta del Marocco e del Nord Africa, il Djebel Toubkal. Un’atmosfera accogliente di piccoli villaggi, ripide colline, cascate e giardini verdi e rigogliosi. Fermati in una delle case berbere per un bicchiere di tè alla menta. Se ti piace la possibilità di fare un breve trekking di circa 20 minuti verso le cascate nella Valle dell’Ourika, che ospita il Parco Nazionale del Toubkal. Ritorno previsto intorno alle 17:00.
Le immagini delle Cascate di Ouzoud sono presenti in quasi ogni brochure turistica marocchina. Le cascate si trovano a tre ore di auto da Marrakech e si trovano nel mezzo della catena montuosa dell’Atlante. Cadendo da un’altezza superiore ai 100 metri, le cascate si tuffano in una serie infinita di piscine. La gola delle Cascate Ouzoud ospita famiglie di scimmie barbary e una varietà di specie aviarie autoctone – una gioia per gli appassionati di birdwatching! Molti visitatori del Marocco non si aspettano questo tipo di “esperienza naturale”, quindi una visita alla bellissima Ouzoud arriva come una piacevole sorpresa.
Una delle mete preferite per il fine settimana dai marocchini, la Valle dell’Ourika si trova a 30 km da Marrakech e si adagia tra i piedi delle Montagne Atlante. Una fuga dalla vita cittadina, la Valle attira i visitatori con un’atmosfera accogliente di piccoli villaggi, ripide colline, cascate e giardini verdi e rigogliosi. Non dimenticare di fermarti a visitare i villaggi berberi lungo il cammino. La Valle di Ourika può essere visitata solo come tour di mezza giornata invece che di un’intera giornata. Puoi godertelo al mattino con il ritorno a Marrakech dopo pranzo, oppure se preferisci puoi partire da Marrakech, goderti il pomeriggio nell’Ourika e poi tornare a Marrakech dopo cena nella valle.
Questa escursione di un’intera giornata ti porterà attraverso la catena dell’Alto Atlante passando per il colle Tizi N’Tichka – un paesaggio imponente delle alte montagne e dei tradizionali villaggi berberi. La discesa lungo il lato est della catena offre un cambiamento improvviso da un paesaggio lussureggiante a un panorama arido e desertico. A Ouarzazate, visita la Kasbah di Ait Ben Haddou e la Kasbah di Taourirt. Ait Ben Haddou è un sito protetto dall’UNESCO dell’undicesimo secolo che ha ispirato molti cineasti; qui sono stati girati film come Il Gladiatore e Lawrence d’Arabia. Le viste dalle alte quote sono mozzafiato e valgono la pena della necessaria salita lungo strade strette e tortuose.
Attività di sightseeing e cose da fare e vedere a Marrakech.
Come tutti sanno, Marrakech è una delle città imperiali più antiche, fondata intorno al 1060-1106 dal re Youssef Ibn Tachafine dell’impero della dinastia berbera Almoravide. Situata nel Hawz, una pianura agricola delimitata a sud e a est dalle montagne dell’Alto Atlante, e irrigata dal fiume Tansift, chiamata la perla del sud, offre una vista mozzafiato sulle montagne dell’Alto Atlante innevate, circondate da migliaia di palme e campi agricoli.
Sotto la governance della dinastia degli Almoravidi (1055–1157), Marrakech divenne la base per il commercio e la conquista del Marocco, di porzioni del Maghreb e dell’Andalusia.
L’impero si è espanso in quel periodo dalla Spagna al Senegal; Marrakech era il crocevia delle antiche rotte carovaniere da Timbuktu, rendendola una meta chiave per il commercio e un rifugio per i mercanti subsahariani stanchi che trasportavano oro, sale e schiavi diretti in Europa.
Au top ! – Un guide exceptionnel pour un endroit absolument fabuleux. Hamadi a le plus beau des bureaux ! Je vous le conseille fortement. Assistance lors de mon voyage en Africa Twin. Très… read more professionnel et en plus très sympathique. Je vous le recommande fortement.
Incredibile experience! – We stayed with Hamadi for 4 days, from Marrakech to Merzouga and then to Fez. This part of the trip has been the real highlight. Hamadi is very kind, available,… read more flexible and he showed us “secret” tips along the way. He’s an incredible person and taught us a lot of his amazing country. You cannot miss a road trip with Hamadi if you wanna enjoy Morocco to the fullest!!!
Magnifique semaine en famille – Superbe expérience familiale accompagnée et conduite par Ali à travers le désert marocain.
Ali est toujours de bonne humeur et très attentionné. Mohamed nous a accompagné dans les grandes dunes… read more de Merzouga pour un moment magique et amicale. Tous deux sont très professionnels et chaleureux, les véhicules parfaitement entretenus et leur conduite impeccable. L’hébergement proposé a toujours été choisi avec soin et nous avons découvert de merveilleux endroits.
Merci encore Ali et Mohamed, nous avons passé une superbe semaine.
When a guide becomes a friend – I came to Morocco with my boyfriend for a week and Ali took care of the organization of the whole trip. He drove us around the country showing us its… read more wonderful places and he carefully selected all of the Riad and hotels we stayed in, all of that for a very good price. He is an extremely kind person and we definitely couldn’t ask for a better guide.
Wonderful experience with an exceptional driver – During our 7 day trip of Morroco, our driver Karim was a most welcoming host. His humor, willingness to accommodate every request, and knowledge of the areas we visited made… read more our experience surpass all of our expectations. We can not say enough good things about the experience Karim provided for us. If you are booking with Morocco Nomadic Travel, make sure to request the best driver in Morocco!
From the liveliness of Marrakech to the silence of the desert in 7 days. – Great holiday!!! In just few hours of flight time you are transported to a wonderful country. Full of colours and scents and contrasts between past and present.
A… read more welcoming people rich in traditions. Tour started from Agadir to Marrakech and then through the Atlas Mountains to the desert of Merzouga. A unique and unforgettable experience for its sunsets, sunrises and starry skies. Organisation was great in every sense starting with our guide Ali. He made us discover the true spirit of this country.
The tour was well organised from day 1. The selection of Riads with typical breakfast and dinner, plus the night in a private tent made this holiday a comfortable and totally excellent experience, also in terms of price/quality balance. The visit to the women organisations to discover the culture of this population was very meaningful.
Thank you very much Ali. Super recommended. We will be back for another amazing holiday.
Amazing experience – I’d had one of the best travel ever!
It has been an amazing experience with a really experienced and nice guide, Hamadi.
I would love to repeat… read more with him, he show us really nice places and he the most important thing, he shared with us all information and experiences that he has.
I can’t wait to organize another trip with them!
Un guide, mais en mieux. – De superbes souvenirs grâce à Mohamed. Capable d’amener les membres de notre équipe récupérer un véhicule de course en panne au beau milieu des dunes dans des conditions peu facile,… read more avec le sourire et la bonne humeur. Il est plus qu’un guide, il est l’ami au côtés duquel vous aurez envie de découvrir le Maroc.
Les dunes de Merzouga – Superbe rencontre avec Hamadi qui nous en a mis pleins les yeux dans les dunes de Merzouga jusqu’à’ l’Oasis d’Oubira, fabuleux guide très professionnel qui connaît en autre les… read more dunes et les rouages du sable et vous emmène dans les endroits les plus incroyables tout en vous expliquant ce que vous ne pourriez pas deviner vous même sur des musiques orientales.
Allez-y les yeux fermés, et en toute sécurité, ce qui est un des plus beaux luxes.
Merci Hamadi 🙏
Et merci d’être devenu notre ami 🥰
Merveilleuse rencontre – Ali c’est LE guide parfait par excellence, celui qui vous raconte son pays avec son cœur. Cet homme extraordinaire saura vous montrer le Maroc avec intelligence, générosité et bienveillance. A… read more la prochaine Ali, pour cette fois prendre le temps de découvrir les mille et une merveilles marocaines.
Exceptional travel with child – Family travel. We have spent some exceptional days touring Morocco with this agency in the company of our guide and driver Hammadi for 4 days and 3 nights. Very professional… read more and friendly service with pick up and drop off to the airport. Totally recommended for families too. Hammadi is a punctual and safe driver, very kind to children and included a child seat in the vehicle at no extra cost. We were able to visit his family and share a nice meal with them. We will travel with Hammadi again!!
Inoubliable ! – Une rencontre inoubliable avec Ali, d’un accueil et d’une générosité débordante. Ali nous a fait découvrir « sa maison du désert », et je n’ai qu’une hâte retourner au Maroc et… read more qu’il nous fasse découvrir SON désert. Merci Ali.
When a guide becomes a friend – I came to Morocco with my boyfriend for a week and Ali took care of the organization of the whole trip. He drove us around the country showing us its… read more wonderful places and he carefully selected all of the Riad and hotels we stayed in, all of that for a very good price. He is an extremely kind person and we definitely couldn’t ask for a better guide.
Les dunes de Merzouga – Superbe rencontre avec Hamadi qui nous en a mis pleins les yeux dans les dunes de Merzouga jusqu’à’ l’Oasis d’Oubira, fabuleux guide très professionnel qui connaît en autre les… read more dunes et les rouages du sable et vous emmène dans les endroits les plus incroyables tout en vous expliquant ce que vous ne pourriez pas deviner vous même sur des musiques orientales.
Allez-y les yeux fermés, et en toute sécurité, ce qui est un des plus beaux luxes.
Merci Hamadi 🙏
Et merci d’être devenu notre ami 🥰
Wonderful experience with an exceptional driver – During our 7 day trip of Morroco, our driver Karim was a most welcoming host. His humor, willingness to accommodate every request, and knowledge of the areas we visited made… read more our experience surpass all of our expectations. We can not say enough good things about the experience Karim provided for us. If you are booking with Morocco Nomadic Travel, make sure to request the best driver in Morocco!
Au top ! – Un guide exceptionnel pour un endroit absolument fabuleux. Hamadi a le plus beau des bureaux ! Je vous le conseille fortement. Assistance lors de mon voyage en Africa Twin. Très… read more professionnel et en plus très sympathique. Je vous le recommande fortement.
Un guide, mais en mieux. – De superbes souvenirs grâce à Mohamed. Capable d’amener les membres de notre équipe récupérer un véhicule de course en panne au beau milieu des dunes dans des conditions peu facile,… read more avec le sourire et la bonne humeur. Il est plus qu’un guide, il est l’ami au côtés duquel vous aurez envie de découvrir le Maroc.
Inoubliable ! – Une rencontre inoubliable avec Ali, d’un accueil et d’une générosité débordante. Ali nous a fait découvrir « sa maison du désert », et je n’ai qu’une hâte retourner au Maroc et… read more qu’il nous fasse découvrir SON désert. Merci Ali.
From the liveliness of Marrakech to the silence of the desert in 7 days. – Great holiday!!! In just few hours of flight time you are transported to a wonderful country. Full of colours and scents and contrasts between past and present.
A… read more welcoming people rich in traditions. Tour started from Agadir to Marrakech and then through the Atlas Mountains to the desert of Merzouga. A unique and unforgettable experience for its sunsets, sunrises and starry skies. Organisation was great in every sense starting with our guide Ali. He made us discover the true spirit of this country.
The tour was well organised from day 1. The selection of Riads with typical breakfast and dinner, plus the night in a private tent made this holiday a comfortable and totally excellent experience, also in terms of price/quality balance. The visit to the women organisations to discover the culture of this population was very meaningful.
Thank you very much Ali. Super recommended. We will be back for another amazing holiday.
Amazing experience – I’d had one of the best travel ever!
It has been an amazing experience with a really experienced and nice guide, Hamadi.
I would love to repeat… read more with him, he show us really nice places and he the most important thing, he shared with us all information and experiences that he has.
I can’t wait to organize another trip with them!
Exceptional travel with child – Family travel. We have spent some exceptional days touring Morocco with this agency in the company of our guide and driver Hammadi for 4 days and 3 nights. Very professional… read more and friendly service with pick up and drop off to the airport. Totally recommended for families too. Hammadi is a punctual and safe driver, very kind to children and included a child seat in the vehicle at no extra cost. We were able to visit his family and share a nice meal with them. We will travel with Hammadi again!!
Magnifique semaine en famille – Superbe expérience familiale accompagnée et conduite par Ali à travers le désert marocain.
Ali est toujours de bonne humeur et très attentionné. Mohamed nous a accompagné dans les grandes dunes… read more de Merzouga pour un moment magique et amicale. Tous deux sont très professionnels et chaleureux, les véhicules parfaitement entretenus et leur conduite impeccable. L’hébergement proposé a toujours été choisi avec soin et nous avons découvert de merveilleux endroits.
Merci encore Ali et Mohamed, nous avons passé une superbe semaine.